Here is a quick comparison of the most important things in which WordPress competes with custom programming. the design In special programming, you can design the website from scratch and a control panel that suits you, and the programmer designs everything that is on your mind with the specifications you want and the exact shape you want. the time Designing a website through programming requires a very long time compared to WordPress, especially if the site is large and one programmer is working on it to develop the front and back ends, etc. In WordPress, time is very short. All you have to do is choose from the templates on the site, whether free or paid, and take a little time until your site is ready.
The cost of creating a website In most cases, the cost of India Part Time Job Seekers Phone Number List creating a website is a challenge for some people. Designing a website using programming does not have a fixed price, as it depends on the site’s specifications, but whatever the site’s specifications are, it is much less than designing using WordPress. The cost of WordPress is very cheap compared to programming, or even non-existent, while choosing one of the free templates will not cost you any cost except the cost of hosting. Edit Modification in special programming is very difficult and may take days, even if the modification required is simple and few Many problems may appear during the modification, which may cost you additional time, and sometimes the situation may even stop It takes time to make some adjustments, but you and your customers have no choice but to wait Editing in.

WordPress is simple and easy compared to programming, as it relies heavily on the control panel on the site, and all you have to do is move, change, and replace so that you can modify anything on your site. Site receipt This step may seem unimportant to some, but it is completely different. Receiving a website that was designed using special programming is completely different from a website that was designed using WordPress. Receiving a website that was designed using special programming requires some programming knowledge from you, whether you or one of your colleagues, so that you can make modifications to it, own its code, and manage it correctly.